That way we were planning to be able to act as respected entrepreneurs without risking not being able to pay back what we owed my father.ī) We wanted to prepare a future brand-transfer by putting a well recognized name on our business that everybody would know and which would give us credibility in the future in case we would move away from WinRAR. We were able to convince my father to loan the money and agreed internally not to touch the money except for paying the expenses related to registering a company. However the GmbH back then required a minimum capital of 25’000 Euros, so it enjoyed the respect of people since not every entrepreneur is able to put that kind of money into a bank account and is willing to risk it. We basically had two underlying ideas for starting our own company rather than just acting as employees or contractors:Ī) We wanted to have an official business structure with a GmbH which is German for limited liability company. It was intended to generate us a little side income until the end of university.
I thought that it would be wrong to engage in a business which would be in direct competition to my former employer and so we tried to build an international business around WinRAR aimed at consulting Ron Dwight on how to improve WinRAR, the distribution network and the brand of the product. As Marketing Assistant and later Marketing Manager, one of my tasks there was to create business around WinRAR which the company was distributing in Germany and USA.Īfter leaving the company I was approached by Ron Dwight the publisher of WinRAR and asked if we would like to sell WinRAR in Germany.
Following banking I worked part-time in a company that was consulting banks on IT projects and then I moved into a company that was a local internet service provider (ISP) and Software Development company. That makes a total education of 17 years. After finishing school which is 13 years in Germany plus an extra year in USA and the mandatory military or civil service I did a two year training to become a banker. I had been actively promoting our club and already at the age of 17 I was actively doing all classical work in marketing and PR. For me it was a logical continuation of my career which had began as a coach and manager at a small basketball club in Germany. We started win.rar together with my cousin Öncül Kaya during a time both of us were in the first semesters of our studies. Who or what encouraged your entrepreneurial spirit?